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Contact Frans Absil through Email, Feedback
Feel free to mail me at the following address:
frans _:_ absil [\%at#\] mailservice _:_ com
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in the E-mail address replace the _:_ by the
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All compositions and published arrangements have been registered at the Netherlands Copyright Organisation BUMA-STEMRA. Copying or distribution of the Website content in any form is prohibited without written permission by the author. Most photographs on these pages are from my private collection. Some musician and live concert photographs are by Nico Komen and Pedro Eijbergen (used with permission). 2018 EU GDPR: Read my GDPR Compliant Privacy Notice >>

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These pages have informed you about my musical activities. Let me know what you think of this website. Were the free books and articles from the document archive of any use to you? Did you enjoy reading the weblogs and other stuff on these pages? Did you find the compositions and arrangements interesting? (There's band music pricing information on these pages). Your response is welcome.